
*Updated 1/21/2024*

I was a teen mom and now that my 3 kids are adults,(two with children of their own), I feel like an older-wiser teenager.  Free to do whatever I want but wise enough to know and want better.  

I was born in NM and raised in Denver, CO. I lived in Denver for a total of 25 years. I left Denver for Phoenix AZ in 2005 where I lived until 2018.  I then moved to Kansas City MO and lived there until 2022 which is when I moved to Milwaukee WI, where I currently reside.  All of my moves have been work-related but I have no plans to move again(God willing). 

During the day I am the GM of an on-demand delivery company where I’ve worked since 1994. In 2010 I took a short break from this company and moved to NM in pursuit of a relationship.  During that year I got married for the first time and then divorced shortly after.  My passion for quilting was born in 2011 when I returned to AZ after that failed relationship. It's as if God gave me quilting as a consolation and what a gift it has been!  

Before quilting, my most passionate extracurricular activity was reading. My crafting history included a Home Economics class in middle school, dabbling in cross-stitch when I was 15 years old and pregnant, and sewing a dress and costumes for my kids in my early 20s.  I’d always loved music but couldn’t sing or play any instruments. Anyway, when I finally tried quilting it was something I was really good at!  I became obsessed and I’ve been a quilting maniac ever since! And of course, I write about it on this blog.

Quilting aside, I’m a born-again Christian.  I accepted Christ when I was a teen because I didn’t want to go to hell but I didn’t understand grace, nor what it meant to have a personal relationship w/Christ. For 20+ years I was a prodigal until mercy found me.  

In 2006 I started attending church again and rededicated my life to Christ.  I connected with other believers through bible studies/small groups and I started reading for myself about God’s promises.  

Following God has transformed my life.  This doesn't mean it is struggle-free, but I have peace and hope like never before.  With this being said, I enjoy going to church and love doing life with my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Alas, thanks for stopping by. My sincere hope is that you are encouraged or inspired by something in these writings. 


  1. What a great life story! Our lives are so much alike...we will chat one day about this. I loved reading about you and glad you posted the info on FB so I could see it. You are amazing!

    1. Thank you Joyce. I really look forward to chatting and/or quilting w/you someday. We've got to get together soon.

  2. What a great story! So, glad that you turned into a great women! Will check back regularly to see your quilting adventures!

  3. Thanks for sharing! We have known each other for over 20 years, but I felt like I was hearing your story for the first time as I read. You are an inspiration to more people than you know. God is Good!

    1. Thank you Sandra. I sure hope I'm inspiring others. God is Good!

  4. Zenia, what can I say....YOU"VE COME A LONG WAY BABY!!!!! It doesn't seem I've known you almost 20 years! God Bless You!! Love, Myrna

    1. Myrna, it has been a long time! Thank you. And thanks for stopping by! God bless you too!

  5. I'm so glad I found you !! Love your life story very inspiring!!

  6. As I get to know you, you continue to inspire and impress me with your wisdom, your talent and your spirit. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


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