Friday, July 22, 2016

12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop at A Quilted Passion
Hi All! Thank You so much for hopping by!

First things first! Can we get a huge round of applause for the AMAZING Sarah of Confessions of a Fabric Addict for organizing this hop and for allowing me to participate!  So much work goes into organizing and preparing. She also created a Christmas quilt pattern for a daily quilt along for the duration of the hop! There has to be a picture of Sarah in the dictionary next to Wonder Woman.  I don't know how you do it, but from the bottom of my heart...Thank you!

A couple of years ago I made these awesome Microwave Cozies as Christmas gifts for friends and family. 
They were a huge hit! So it became my intention to give practical home made gifts for Christmas going forward.   However, last year, Christmas came and went...along w/my good intention and only 3 peeps got something homemade from me. So I swore to myself that this year would be different!  I would start my gift making in July! And that's exactly what I've done!

This year, everyone is getting these grocery bag holders. I was able to get a wonderful head start on them this month!
I normally sell the pattern in my Craftsy Pattern Store, however for the rest of this hop you can download it for free on this post, along w/the rest of my patterns! Merry Christmas in July to you!

Easy Grocery Bag Catcher
Easy Reversible Microwave Cozy Combo
Easy MicrowaveTortilla Warmer Cozy

I'd also like to share a recipe that was shared w/me several years ago for an easy and delicious Clam Chowder

My church family usually does a potluck style progressive dinner around the Christmas holiday.  The first house we visit is where we have appetizers. We then progress/move on to the next house for the entrées,  and then finish w/desserts and coffee at a third house.

This Clam Chowder has been a favorite of many at our progressive dinners.

Easy Clam Chowder
1 can evaporated milk (makes it creamier) or 1 1/2 cups whole milk
3 cups water
4 chicken bouillon cubes (it also adds the salt)
1/4 cup of finely chopped onion
2 6oz cans chopped clams in clam juice
3 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
1/4 tsp of Thyme
1/4 tsp of crushed Parsley
1/4 tsp of crushed Tarragon
1/4 tsp of crushed black pepper

Add all of the ingredients into a pot and bring to a rolling boil for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Test the potatoes for tenderness. To thicken, add 1 tbls of cornstarch with 2 tbls of water, mix till dissolved and then add it to the soup. It should thicken rather quickly. Serve hot w/crackers or in a bread bowl!

Alas, I've a confession. I'm also doing a little selfish sewing this month on my 1st Christmas quilt.

I'm using this Sparkle Punch tutorial by Elizabeth Hartman of Oh Fransson

Elizabeth's creation and my inspiration
I've got a wonderful head start on it as well and am super excited about how it's coming together! What do you think?

Again, thanks for visiting!

Here's the complete line up of the hop. We have a few more days yet.  You can click on the links below to check out the rest of the stops, or to access any you've missed along the way.

July 14th:     Sharon Vrooman @ Vrooman’s Quilts
                    Carole Carter @ From My Caroline Home

July 15th:    Yanicka Hachez @ Finding Myself As An Artist
                   Chris Dodsley @ Made by ChrissieD

July 16th:     Marsha Hodgkins @ Quilter in Motion
                    Leanne Parsons  @ Devoted Quilter

July 17th:     Tonia Conner @ All Thingz Sewn
                    Selina @ Selina Quilts

July 18th:     Lara Buccella @ Buzzin Bumble
                    Soma Acharya @ Whims and Fancies

July 19th:     Joanne Harris@ Quilts by Joanne
                    Suzy Webster @ Adventurous Applique and Quilting

July 20th:     Vicki in MN @ Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
                    Jennifer Fulton @ The Inquiring Quilter

July 21st:     Michele Kuhns @ Crayon Box Quilt Studio
                    Jan Ochterbeck @ The Colorful Fabriholic

July 22nd:     Alla Blanca @ Rainbows. Bunnies. Cupcakes.
                     Zenia Rene @ A Quilted Passion

July 23rd:     Joanne Hubbard @ Everyone Deserves a Quilt
                    Paige Alexander @ Quilted Blooms

July 24th:     Carolyn Jones @ …by CJ
                    Tisha Nagel @ Quilty Therapy

July 25th:     Susan Arnold @ Quilt Fabrication
                    Beth Sellers @ Cooking Up Quilts
                    Linda Pearl @ One Quilting Circle

A Thread for Life
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Friday, July 1, 2016

WHOOMP There IT Is! #31 - It Just Keeps Flying

I'm truly baffled by how quickly time just flies on by. Half of 2016 is already gone!  I'd heard that once you turn 21 the years seem to pass 2 at a time. It's absolutely true!  Seems like it was just yesterday I turned 21. And it's so funny how now that I'm in my 40s, I finally feel like an adult even though I thought I was grown at 21!  With this being said, I like being in my 40s. And I consider myself to be growing better instead of  older.

I don't know where all that came from. You'd think I just celebrated a birthday, but I didn't. Not again until December, but thanks for humoring me.

Now on to quilty things!

I finished the Scrappy Litter Blox pattern I was testing. The pattern was featured in the June's Stash Builder Box and will be available soon at Lillyella. I like how it came out and I'm thinking about putting the optional border on it. What do you think?

I made these cute bandanna bibs for a birthday girl who just turned 1yr. I cannot wait to see one on her. The first set I made included a piece of flannel between the 2 layers of cotton. They were super soft but I was afraid they'd be too hot for here in AZ?  I ended up making a 2nd set w/3 layers of cotton and those are the ones I gave. The others will soon be listed in my Etsy shop.

My sis has been practicing her guitar daily and she's getting really good. Hearing her progress makes me want to play too. So the other night I pulled Ruby (my bass) out of the corner AND out of the bag! I even popped the "Getting Started" DVD into the computer and attempted to tune her. I got as far as tuning 2 strings. I'm planning to make time to practice and/or take a couple of my buddies up on their offer to teach me. I'm one step closer to being a rock star in the worship band!

I have an addition to my family.  A little fox face Pomeranian named Maurice. We call him Moe. =)

July is here! You know what that means?


Kids Camp!

12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop! 

Save the date. My day on the hop will be July 22nd! I hope you hop on by!

It's time for WHOOMP There IT Is! I'd love to see what you've been working on.

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Thank the Host
Everyone likes to hear "thank you" and know their effort is appreciated.
Spread the Love
The more love you give, the more you get. Pick a number (mine is 5) and commit to visiting and commenting on that many link-ups. Let them know where you're visiting from and ask them to visit you. (This works well for me!)
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Use a direct link to a specific post, not your main blog.
Link Back
In your blog post, include a link back to my post/blog and/or grab the WHOOMP There IT Is! button above and put in your post or sidebar. Thanks for spreading the love.
Follow Me ;)
Of course I would love for all you linky-uppers to be followers, but it's NOT required.

Yesterday while listening to Pandora one of my favorite songs played. These are the lyrics. Enjoy!

A Thread for Life
Called Me Higher - All Sons and Daughters
I could just sit
I could just sit and wait for all Your goodness
Hope to feel Your presence
And I could just stay
I could just stay right where I am and hope to feel You
Hope to feel something again

And I could hold on
I could hold on to who I am and never let You
Change me from the inside
And I could be safe
I could be safe here in Your arms and never leave home
Never let these walls down

But You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You will lead me Lord
You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You lead me Lord
Where You lead me
Where You lead me Lord

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life
So let Your mercy light the path before me

Until next time, Happy Sewing and God Bless!